2 Days In Quito follows 28 year old Toño, a taxi driver adrift in a city of millions and his life over 2 days. The film opens in the early hours of the second day as we witness a botched back seat robbery that ends in tragedy.
14 hours earlier, we meet our protagonist, sat at breakfast with his mother and sister, optimistic and full of promise, as he eagerly discusses his potentially life-changing interview. The interview is for a scholarship to Gaia, a media giant in Ecuador who offer positions to those who make it through their training program. Eager to leave the life of a taxi driver behind and provide fully for his mother, sister and estranged son, Toño believes this to be his moment, his time.
His world shatters once he learns that he’ll need to pay an extortionate amount to be placed onto the course. With not much time left. He realises that driving a taxi alone won’t enable him to chase his dreams, and thus, begins to look elsewhere…
An alcohol fuelled whirlwind evening, with romance, adulterers and wealthy patrons is what follows as Tono treads an ill thought out path, ending with him pointing a barrel at a wealthy patron.
Heaving and coming to terms with his recklessness, Toño heads home before picking up one final fare in the early hours of the morning, and unfortunately things don’t go to plan.
The next day, Toño is left having to pick up the pieces of the night before and deal with the consequences of his short-sighted and brash actions.